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Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Green Lantern Movie & Podcast Stuff

Hello there Geeklings, the Geek here once again with another update. Well I got back from the new Green Lantern movie and it was great. I thought it did the Green Lantern series justice and laid the ground work for movies that will probably follow it, but I won't spoil anything. However no matter how good I think it was especially compared to Superman Returns, DC still has a ways to go in my opinion before they catch up to how great the Marvel movies have gotten in the past few years. Comparisons aside it was a great movie.

Onto more content matters. The second episode of the podcast was recorded a day late and I'll hopefully have it edited and uploaded after some father's day celebrations. Speaking of the podcast after the poll it has been decided that sometime soon we will start out second podcast Toku Time (based off of Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Power Rangers) and welcome it to the fledgling Geek Talks Radio Networks. As always guys thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys later.

The Geek

Oh one more thing. On the topics of reviews hopefully I'll have the time to finally add the number of reviews that I want to. Anyway guys as I said, I'll talk to you later.

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